Personal Training

No matter what your fitness goals is or how soon you want to reach it, our skilled Personal Trainers are here to guide you every step of the way.

Elliott's Personal Training Buderim

We have the flexibility to suit your lifestyle, preferences and life changes, so we can train anywhere and anytime that suits you.   

  • Do you have trouble committing to your exercise?

  • Are you returning to exercise, or never trained before?

  • Do you have unhealthy nutrition habits that prevent you moving towards your goals?

  • Are you not sure that you’re doing the right exercise, at the right intensity and often enough to get the results you want?

  • Are you achieving your goals as quickly as you would like?

Elliott's Personal Training Buderim

You’re in the safe hands of a knowledgeable trainer who cares and is committed to helping you achieve your goals. You’ll receive all the tools, education, motivation, support, and accountability to ensure you achieve your goals.

A professional trainer can help you with any of the following:

✔ Weight loss

✔ Injury Rehabilitation

✔ Sports Performance

✔ Body Shaping

✔ Strength Development

Elliott's Personal Training Buderim

Personal Training Rate

1 hour PT Session:


Training is a lifestyle, a journey that takes you to your improved self and keeps you there.  On this journey your bodies need change and you will need to have professional support from stage to stage. 

All of our personal training programs are individualized for each person which will keep you challenged and working towards your individual goals.

We have a highly skilled and qualified team of trainers at Elliott’s Personal Training.

Why should you choose EPT’s trainers to help you?

✔ All trainers at EPT are committed personal trainers and strength coaches, so this is not just a hobby to them.

✔ All of our trainers are patient, motivating, and dedicated to improving your life through exercise.


When you're striving for a specific goal, whether it's fat loss, muscle gain, lower blood pressure, or enhanced physical performance, the dedicated guidance of a Personal Trainer can accelerate your progress and ensure you maintain your achievements.